Nama Jurnal : The Youth Entrepreneur Management Journal Inisial : yem Singkatan : YEMJ Penerbit : LPPM GICI Pertama Kali Terbit : Juli 2025 Terbit Setiap : Januari dan Juli Kota : Depok Negara : Indonesia Kontak : Henky Hendrawan, Drs., MM., MSi (giciyem@gmail.com) -
The Youth Entrepreneur Management Journal is a journal to build a young generation to do business, a student journal of research results of student lecturers, and general management study programs published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of the Gici College of Economics, which is published twice a year in July and January. The Youth Entrepreneur Management Journal is a scientific media in the form of conceptual papers both qualitative, quantitative and mixed approaches related to the field of management science. As a forum for international scientific journals. The Youth Entrepreneur Management Journal. This journal can be used as the main reference material for students, lecturers and the public to improve the quality of this journal publication written in English.
About the Journal
The Youth Entrepreneur Management Journal is a journal to build a young generation to do business, a student journal of research results of student lecturers, and general management study programs published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of the Gici College of Economics, which is published twice a year in July and January. The Youth Entrepreneur Management Journal is a scientific media in the form of conceptual papers both qualitative, quantitative and mixed approaches related to the field of management science. As a forum for international scientific journals. The Youth Entrepreneur Management Journal. This journal can be used as the main reference material for students, lecturers and the public to improve the quality of this journal publication written in English.