Peer-Reviewer Process

Peer review is tasked with assisting the editor in making editorial decisions through editorial communication with the author (Author) so that it can assist the author in improving the paper according to the Reviewer's notes. Article manuscripts submitted online to International The Youth Entrepreneur Management Journal will be checked by the editorial board regarding templates, scope, style, plagiarism. Manuscript articles that meet the requirements in accordance with the focus and scope of The Youth Entrepreneur Management Journal will proceed to the review process which will at least be reviewed by reviewers assigned by the LPPM Institute with a double blind commitment. Reviewers are bestary partners from experts from various other universities who are concerned in the fields of science and journalism. The editor will send an email to the reviewer via OJS in accordance with the selected manuscript regarding the title and content of the manuscript, as well as an invitation to enter the journal website to complete the review process. Reviewers enter the journal website to approve the review, download the manuscript, provide comments, and vote on recommendations. The review process by reviewers is carried out at least two weeks after the manuscript is sent through OJS. The results will be returned to the author for follow-up. Manuscripts that meet the requirements will be published in English.